
Begining Again

I'm in my studio again after a fantastic trip to my heritage country of Norway.

Incredible scenery,  mountians, fjoirds, waterfalls, and tiny farms, perched on the sides of the mountians.
It was not anything like I imagined it to be.  Not at all!  I have a miriad of images in my brain!

I have been overwhelmed in the past weeks by new ideas, new sounds, new and unfamiliar languages and sights.
Twenty four hours of bright sunshine, above the artic circle for four days!

Now I want to paint, I am hungry to paint, my brain wants the meditaive relief of painting!

So I sit at my table and doodle, which is how I begin.  Blank! Blank! Blank!

I make marks like a child beginning to draw.  No images come, only the old stuff.  Boring.

Maybe tomorrow.



Bonnie Prouty was born an educated...

photo credit Pamela Fulcher
Bonnie Prouty was born and educated in Michigan and studied at Siena Heights College, Layton School of Art, Michigan State University with a BA and Eastern Michigan University with a MA degree.

She has made a career in art, working as a teacher in the public schools, community colleges and as a graphic designer for various agencies in Corpus Christi, Texas. She also owned and operated her own stationary company "P.S. I Love You, Inc." and was interim art director of the Rockport Center for the Arts.

Bonnie has exhibited in Michigan and Texas and many regional and national exhibitions. She paints with all varieties of water media. She is currently represented by galleries in Petoskey, Michigan and Rockport, Texas.

She winters in Texas, and summers in her beloved Michigan.